2010年4月22日 星期四


在日本住久了的我, 一到四月就會自然去尋找櫻花的蹤影.
白的, 粉的, 紫的, 在日本的櫻花是滿山遍野的怒放.

"花見" 本就是......

每年日本最重要的三大"民俗文化活動"之一. 而今年的"花見", 有幸跟一群朋友欣賞到了瑞士獨一無二的垂柳櫻(Shidarezakura); 在賞櫻的同時, 味蕾的饗宴也在同步綻放...

April has been the moment for hanami (cherry blossom appreciation) to someone like me who has lived in Japan for a few years .

This year I have the pleasure to practice this important ritual with some friends in Bern.

Moreover, it's the ONLY "Shidarezakura" (weeping willow cherry) in the whole Switzerland.

